3 Surprising Reasons Why You Need a Business Planner Fast

3 Surprising Reasons Why You Need a Business Planner Fast

So I’m guessing you’re here because you think you might need a Business Planner for your biz.

…Or maybe you just want to see what all this Business Planner fuss is all about.

…Or maybe you just clicked on here by accident.

No matter what the reason, I’m glad you’re here. Because Business Planners are THE tool for kicking your biz into HIGH GEAR.

They aren’t just important, they’re NECESSARY for building and expanding a successful online business.

I’m not exaggerating for dramatic effect.


Not convinced? Here are THREE reasons why a Business Planner will change your life.

Let’s get started.





I’m sure you’ve noticed, that as your business grows, you can’t just keep it all in your head anymore.

Imagine this, you slumped over your laptop, tapping out the latest blog post.  There’s a bag of Cheetos next to you and orange dust on the keys.  You can hear your kids and your spouse laughing in the next room while they play a game.  Will you EVER get to be with them again?

Unless you’re a wiz with complete mental recall, you’re missing posting at key times. And you have missed opportunities to increase your business and sales because there’s JUST too much to do. On top of that, your Social Media interaction is next to ZILCH.

It’s not you, it’s the nature of online business today.

There is a LOT of posting and re-posting to do.  You also are supposed to understand how Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest work and the correct times to post and HOW their algorithms work.

That’s a TON of work and learning to do plus you need to be creating products to sell!
The more there is learn and do, the LESS you seem to accomplish.  And your fingers might or might not be PERMANENTLY stained orange.

Now, there’s not anything wrong with posting when you can or hiring an assistant to do it for you, but most of us NEED a better system.


One of the absolute BEST parts about business planners is they are PRETTY! At least that’s important to me!

But I’m sure you’ve used planners before.  You have days of the week and you can write in all of your important happenings.  At least, that’s what I used to do.

Do you remember when we could get those TINY planners from Hallmark stores? I always kept one in my purse.

SECRET: I used to weigh myself every day and post it in the planner.

What I LOVE about planners is that I can extend out a sales plan into the future.  I can have a blogging plan for the whole year and I can set appointments with clients as far out as they want.

But I wanted even MORE.

I wanted to have a framework for blogging and sales and product creation. I wanted a SYSTEM.  And I couldn’t keep it all in my head anymore like I used to remember all of my homework assignments.

When you have a system in place, you can get more and more and MORE people seeing and reading your content.
The sales of your courses and ebooks will SOAR as your audience grows.


Are you thinking of planning your business for the next year but don’t know where to start?
You need a Roadmap of where you’re going and you can have my FREE Pretty & Smart Business Roadmap here.

This FREE roadmap will help you cut through the noise and give you a clear path to follow.




Have you ever spent HOURS and HOURS creating a new product that you’re SURE your clients will love, only to have it completely FLOP?

Me, too. It sucks.

You have to know what your audience wants but you’re NOT a mind reader!

I used to have no idea what they wanted but I was always told to talk to them and ask good questions.  REALLY?  How do you do that when no one is commenting on your stuff?

You have to make time to talk to them one on one.  You have to ZOOM them or phone them or Facetime them.  Yea, I know, SCARY.

And just when are you supposed to do this?  Today, you have to pin 30 things on Pinterest, create new graphics for Instagram, find a blog post topic for this week, Tweet 10 times, comment on Facebook and, oh yeah…

…your first grader just told you she needs gluten free cookies for her class today.

Before I started using a Business Planner, I thought I knew how to promote my business. I thought just by posting content each week and jumping on Social Media here and there, my business would just grow itself.

But I just didn’t get the growth I wanted.  Things weren’t clicking.

It wasn’t until I used my OWN business planner that I really began to post on time and check off the SM jobs I needed to do.

And guess what? My sales got SUPER CHARGED. Imagine that.

Look, trying to keep up with Social Media and sales and graphic design as well as writing and creating just doesn’t work if you don’t have a structure and a plan.

Here’s why: You can’t REMEMBER to do it all. It might SEEM like you can remember to do it all.  But don’t fool yourself, that’s NOT working.

When you have a written structure that’s already set up FOR you, you can streamline the work, take off the pressure and get creative again.  Isn’t that why you got into business in the FIRST place?

But only if you start using a Business Planner will you see the freedom you want. You WON’T have to make decisions about every little thing every day.

And as if you needed ANOTHER bonus: developing new free content will also be a SNAP.

Because this will increase your audience and through their discussions, you answering questions, and hearing them vent will provide you with an endless supply of blog posts, content upgrades, books, and worksheets.

Your hardest choice will be deciding which genius idea to work on FIRST.


TRUST is EVERYTHING when it comes to building your business. It’s the NUMBER ONE way you will attract new numbers and convert sales.

And using a Business Planner to keep you consistent is the best, more efficient way to build that trust.

Through the intimate nature of interacting with your audience, they will get a chance to connect with you directly, and see you as a partner.

But they won’t just learn to trust you as a person, they’ll learn to TRUST your content!

By providing them with TONS of valuable, helpful content that can directly impact their lives, they’ll quickly see you as a leader in your field and source for all things HELPFUL.

This trust will DIRECTLY affect your sales in a BIG way.

I just can’t tell you in a STRONGER way how important that trust is and I bring it all back to my planner.

Are you CONVINCED yet?

Honestly, I think I re-convinced myself!

Look, people want to belong. They want to find a special place where they feel like people “get them”. So, if you provide this space, they will love you forever. And that love = SALES.

I love a good win-win.

Plus, when booking private sessions that TRUST is crucial.

WHATEVER you do, DON’T try to use a calendar from your insurance agent as a Business Planner. Click here to get your free copy of The Pretty & Smart Business Roadmap and learn what to do.


One more thing, if you want to hang out with me and other online business owners, make sure to click here to join my FREE private Facebook group.






You keep hearing rumors that a Business Planner can massively increase your revenue, but HOW??? Share on X When you have a system in place, you can get more and more and MORE people seeing and reading your content. The sales of your courses and ebooks will SOAR as your audience grows. Share on X
