Has Engagement Dropped on Your Website?

Has Engagement Dropped on Your Website


Ok, so you’re writing your blog and you have a Facebook page and an Instagram account and a Pinterest feed.  Things are going along OK but maybe not quite as good as before.

Are you losing engagement?  Are the numbers beginning to drop?  And why is that?

You used to see a lot of movement.  You had good engagement and in turn your sales were growing and the phone was ringing.  But things are changing … THINGS ARE CHANGING …. WHYYYYY?

I know, you’re doing all the right things. You’re posting and sharing and tweeting and, and, and….  But still engagement is off.  And business is off, what’s happening?

Today, I’ll be telling you 3 mistakes I see out there in business promotion that you might be making.

Let’s get started.





I had a plan. 

A really great plan.  I was driving traffic to my website and getting clients and sales and engagement.  I felt great.

But then my plan wasn’t working as well as it did before.  I didn’t know why.  So I asked questions and did research, you know after watching the Voice, in your jammies when you are trying like crazy to find answers!  And what I realized was that I wasn’t putting my clients and customers first.  I was doing the same old thing and wondering why that wasn’t good enough.

Is that what you’re doing? The same old thing but it’s not going anywhere?  Guess what?  Facebook has changed.  Instagram has changed.  Pinterest has changed.  YouTube has changed.  And your business has to change, too.  Those businesses have all changed because their clients want these changes and Instagram and everybody else wants to stay in business.

I’m guessing you’re here because you want to stay in business, too.  Well, so do I.  So, I changed my business to match what people want.  And so should you if you want to keep current and keep that phone ringing and that bank account growing.

What should you be changing?  VIDEO.  If if you want to grow, you should be doing video.  And all the social media sites reward video.  They will show more prospective buyers video than printed posts.  You may have the most interesting post out there but nobody will see it if it’s not on video.  And Live is the best.

Here are 3 video mistakes I see people making in their business, that you can avoid today.


Video Mistake #1 – Making videos that are too long.

GUILTY.  I used to go on camera and wing it and then blab on and on and get off track…well, it wasn’t pretty. Your video should be from 2 to 5 minutes long.  People today are used to very short information bursts.  And if they aren’t engaged in the first 3 to 7 seconds, they will click on something else.
I write a script so that I stay on topic and don’t get too long winded.  Stick to the point.  Your engagement will go up.
If you have a long topic or one that has a lot of moving parts, make it a series so that you can break it down into digestible units. Your clients will like that better than one long thing.  In fact, a lot people look at the length of the video before even deciding to watch.  If it’s too long, they move on and don’t bother.

Video Mistake #2 – Talking about what you’re interested in.

Ok, I know this is your business and you want to talk about it.  Sure talk about it but who will watch if they are not interested?  Even though you know all about your business, other people don’t.  If you want to talk about hypnosis, then you need to cover the questions that lay people will be asking.  Don’t talk about the 5 Step Reframe, make a video about what happens when they come into your office.
If your business is riding lessons and horse rescue, don’t talk about dressage judges.  Show someone whose never been to a stable what will happen on their first visit with their child who wants lessons.  Get down to the customer’s level and answer their basic questions instead of talking over their heads.


Video Mistake #3 – Just not doing video because you don’t like being on camera.

Look, I know.  There aren’t nearly as many photos of me growing up because I felt so awkward on camera.  I usually had my eyes closed. I just avoided having my picture taken.  I don’t think there is any film.  I just hated having a camera on me.

But this isn’t private.  This is business.  The tech savvy generation uses video to research everything.  If they need a plumber, they look on YouTube.  I don’t know how many times my daughter has told me just to follow a video to learn how to do something on my computer.

These are your customers.  It used to be enough just to have a website but now they want blogs and videos.  And it makes sense, you are creating rapport with a stranger.  And a lot of them need to know you a bit before they trust you with their money.


Are you thinking of  your starting your blog and planning you business for the next year but don’t know where to start?
You need a Roadmap of where you’re going and you can have my FREE Pretty & Smart Business Roadmap here.

This FREE roadmap will help you cut through the noise and give you a clear path to follow.


So when you want to be hired or sell something, you have to gain their trust.  And when they see you on video, they find that trust.

I know, it feels weird at first.  Maybe you look at yourself on camera and cringe.  I’m telling you, DON’T worry about it.  Get over it.  You know what, my most popular videos are some that I think are really dorky.  I’m all, “What is going on with my hair? Why does my lipstick seem to have spots? Do I really talk like that?”

It’s NOT about you.  When customers watch you on the screen and they see you are a real person and you make goofs and you don’t look perfect, they like you.  You’re just like them.  That’s what creates the rapport.  That’s what gets sales.

How do you feel about that person that always has to be perfect?  I don’t usually like them.  I like someone down to Earth that I can feel connected to.

So if you’re not doing video because you feel funny about it, That’s OK.  I’ll take your sales.  You just keep on doing what you’re doing .

Now here’s an action step you can take. First, go to AngieJHernandez.com/roadmap to get your copy of my Roadmap to success.  Next, look at some websites with video and see how they engage there clients.  Allow yourself to FEEL the emotion about buying from them because of their video.  Think about the way you want YOUR customers to feel about you and your business.  Then shoot me a comment and tell about your experience.

And don’t forget to join my group, the #SmartCookiesHub for all the best business video.  I include demos about video in the Pretty & Smart Premier Course.


One more thing, if you want to hang out with me and other online business owners, make sure to click here to join my FREE private Facebook group.


Has Engagement Dropped on Your Website_

Get down to the customer's level and answer their basic questions instead of talking over their heads. Share on X How do you feel about that person that always has to be perfect? I don't usually like them. I like someone down to Earth that I can feel connected to. Share on X
