How I Turned my Life Around Midstream and Changed My Life

How I Turned my Life Around Midstream and Changed my Life



I’ve notice a lot of bloggers out there who say they can’t make money or get any traction with their blogs.

That’s complete garbage!  How do I know?  Because I used to be one of them!

In today’s video, we’ll get to the truth of the matter.  First I want to tell you a little about how I got here.

I know we just met but I want you to close your eyes and imagine me pumping my fist in the air screaming, “YES!!! “ while my dogs cock their heads to one side in puzzlement.

Let me explain…





When I ditched the working for someone else life and decided to buy the local flower shop, things were going great UNTIL the big Recession.

We were broke.

My husband’s entire department was dissolved without warning, we had to move in with my mom and rent out our house and not too many people were buying flowers.

You know how when your peak business season hits you and you hire a few helpers for that time?  Well, I couldn’t do that so I was doing everyone’s job myself.

And it was the week of Valentine’s Day.

I’ll never forget the morning I woke up to find an inflamed red lump on my leg.  I had all of the Valentine’s arrangements to design while also helping customers.

Nervous tears filled my eyes.  This was the biggest day of the year and I could NOT TAKE TIME OFF.
So there I was in the hospital while a technician ran an ultrasound wand over my leg.  I teared up again when I heard the words, “No blood clot”.

This was the moment when I knew I had to change my life.  I couldn’t continue to do such physical work forever.
Because of that lump in my leg, I learned about hypnotherapy and told my husband that I wanted to go to school.  He tensed up but said, “You know I always support you.”

People looked at me like I was crazy to study hypnosis.  They said that might work someplace like LA but in Indiana?  Maybe the whole thing was crazy.  I just felt led to do this work, to help others.

But I felt guilty every day.  We had used up all of our retirement and savings.  I was spending every spare moment on school and my internship to certify.  My husband’s little time off was usually spent in the room with me while I watched my class online and worked.  And he was working seven days a week to keep us afloat.

And the crazy part was, I had NO idea or experience how to run a service business.  I’d sold retail goods all of my life.  I just walked off the cliff and expected it to all fall into place.

I was SO afraid of what might happen.  We might lose the shop and our house, leaving us with nothing.  And in my 50’s, no one was beating down the door to give me even an interview for a REAL JOB.

My business really began to take off!  I mean big take off!

And cut to me pumping my fist in the air, screaming, “YES!!!” while my dogs cocked their heads to one side in puzzlement.

You’re probably thinking, “What the heck happened?”

I promise I’ll tell you but first…

…you need to understand that when I first changed my business I did NOT consider myself to be a top business person because I didn’t have a fancy degree or top corporate experience.

Jeeesh, my shop is in Amish country beside the local post office!
But I worked so hard and it began to pay off.

I had a huge setback when my website was taken down and held for ransom.  I learned the hard way about backups and even higher safeguards than I had.

I decided to take my business back.  So, I completely re-built my website and blog from scratch.  That meant no more flying by the seat of my pants.  I needed to plan out my time in order to get everything done.  I turned to the Pretty & Smart Business Planner.

And I started to see my business flourish!
And now, I have doubled my business in the last year.   My phone steadily rings with new clients and I feel secure about my future.  I can finally RELAX and enjoy myself.

Now that I’ve told you my story, I want you to know that you can plan out your time and grow your business with confidence, too.

If you want to learn more about setting up your own business up for success, like I did, make sure to grab my FREE Business Roadmap for bloggers.


In this Business Roadmap, I outline my process for creating a Profitable blogging business.  And it’s totally FREE!
And one more thing, if you want to hang out with ME and other bloggers just like you, make sure that you join my FREE private Facebook group, The Smart Cookie Hub.
Thank you so much for watching today.
If you enjoyed this video, please hit SUBSCRIBE , give me thumbs up and leave me a comment below.
See you soon!

”…and Share on X And now, I have doubled my business in the last year. My phone steadily rings with new clients and I feel secure about my future. I can finally RELAX and enjoy myself. Share on X

How I Turned my Life Around Midstream and Changed My Life
