That Big

Yeah, I’ve had that Big “F” word around for most of my life.  It’s not the one you think. The word is FEAR.

When I started my blog, I wondered what anyone would want to read about that could be written by me! I mean, what did I have to say that was so great? Share on X

And it seemed to be proven by the visitors to my blog.  Right, I wasn’t getting very many hits. I posted now and then.  Sometimes I would post once a week like when I was writing a series but mostly I was just hit and miss.

It didn’t have anything to do with what I was writing.  I was seeing other blogs out there with content that was silly or poorly written.  They seemed to be getting a ton of traffic.

No, my content was good but I didn’t know anything about sharing content or affiliate selling or inside links. I see a lot of people out there doing the same thing I was.

Let’s get started.




So even though I was writing decent blog posts, the truth was very few people were seeing them. I thought you just started writing and it would go onto the web and then BOOM! People flocked to your site!

I couldn’t have been more wrong. I wasn’t getting people back to my site because I wasn’t putting out the road signs.


You how when you’re driving down the road on vacation and you’re starting to get hungry but you don’t know the good places to go? Suddenly you see a sign for a restaurant with a beautiful plate of food and you head right on over there.

Road Signs

That’s what I’m talking about.  If you want your blog to be SEEN, and that’s what a blog is for, then you have to hang out the road signs showing the beautiful content you want to share.

When the road signs are up, your beautiful content will be seen and shared over and over again.  When your posts are seen, then people will come to your site and share more.  Some of them will join your email list, and some of them will buy from you.  They might buy a product or coaching or courses or sessions. They follow you because they like your style.  They like what you have to say and they can relate to you. They buy from you because they TRUST YOU.


Now let's get back to the 'F' word. Marc Gravelle taught it this way, F.E.A.R., stands for Future Events Appearing Real. The future we are afraid of isn't real, it's only our imagination run wild. Share on X

When I started my blog, I wondered what anyone would want to read about that could be written by me!  I mean, what did I have to say that was so great?

You can go out there and start blogging with the  REAL EXPECTATION of success.  But don’t do it the way I did. Start successfully by know how to put out the road signs right where most people will see them as they drive by!

If you want to learn more about setting up your own business up for success, then SKIP the mistakes I made.   Grab my FREE Business Roadmap for bloggers.

In the Business Roadmap, I outline my process for creating a Profitable blogging business from scratch.  And it’s totally FREE!
And one more thing, if you want to hang out with ME and other bloggers just like you, make sure that you join my FREE private Facebook group, The Smart Cookie Hub.

GET IN THERE!  We’re waiting for you.





